The New Medium Journey

3 min readJul 11, 2021


Yo what’s up fwens, I am back to Medium world. It’s been a while not to be here simply because I have no idea why I couldn’t even log in to my account since I forgot the password — or maybe I can say I am just too lazy to find the password recovery and to write something here. LOL.

11 July 2021, it has been almost 3 weeks already I have been staying at home due to the emergency public activity restriction from Indonesian government — here the people are still struggling to fight back the covid-19 second wave. But life goes on people! We can do this together so we can get back our new normal life soon!

Anyway, today I decided I will invest an hour of my day for the following days and so on to stay sane by writing what’s on my mind and to share what’s happening in my life in a medium — which is Medium. So wish me luck to survive and to keep the commitment.

So I have been lately catching up with my friends — definitely its an e-catch up through Zoom just to keep them track as well as to exchange ideas with them. The latest one, I had a call with one of my friends — Addo, he’s pretty much the eligible bachelor kind of guy, entrepreneur, easy going, smart and others you name it and the reason why I want to catch up with him simply we are basically in the pretty much in the small circle in food and beverages industry so he’s the best one for me to share things going on in the industry and exchange some ideas. He owns a rising B2B powder drink provider company — Sipangan ( though the website is still under construction plus I haven’t had a chance to try them products but trust me it must be pretty legit products cause Addo has some standard when it comes to business. So, folks right here who have restaurants or coffee shops you better reach them out very soon to get your best drink to be sold in your restaurants — ever.

During the call, I also shared my plans in the next couple of years and get his sense and feedback. Addo started his career as legit sales associate in some flavoring house company and took a leap of faith to start his entrepreneurs journey. The session went very well in a way that at the very least I can steal something from him and try to put it as some resources to help me to make my life plans smooth. We talked for about 2 hours and it feels very short though it’s a productive and well-spent Saturday night. I can’t really tell yet the details of the deep dive conversation since it’s still pretty confidential (lol, who the hell am I?) but let’s see, finger crossed — I’m now a grown-up now so I have to make my plans come true so my life will be colorful and content in my 30s.

Talking about 30s life

Oh yea, I am also currently on my detox mode so I try to drink for at least 2 liters of water every day and you know what today I’ve been drinking 2,7 liters of water already! What an achievement! I know.

Today’s workout:

  1. Leg — 6 exercises / 30s work / no rest / 4 sets / 1 min rest
  • Squat to side kick
  • Lunge to kick (Left)
  • Lung to kick (Right)
  • Wide to narrow squat
  • Lunge pulse (Left)
  • Lunge pulse (Right)

2. Abs — 4 exercises/ 40s work/ no rest / 4 sets / 1 min rest

  • Hit up
  • Side to side heel tap
  • Bear crawl knee taps
  • Sit up to twist

See you tomorrow with the new story! Stay safe and sane everyone!




Written by Reza

Passionate marketer and startup enthusiast with a keen eye for Gen-Z trends. Loves K-Dramas. Always seeking to stay at the forefront of business development.

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